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  1. Good Titles: Give your question a concise but informative title. Rather than "Email Forms", use "Sending multiple emails from forms".
  2. Do Your Research: Check out the XMod Pro help file, the XMod Pro Guide on this site, do a search in this Answers forum. Members are friendly and more than happy to help, but it's good etiquette to show you've done your homework.
  3. Is It Answerable? Your question should be practical and answerable. Provide clear and accurate details about your specific problem. Be sure to include all the pertinent information or links to images and examples. 
  4. Show Your Appreciation: If someone correctly answers your question, come back and ACCEPT the answer. That gives them points and helps others know it was a correct answer. If members know you'll accept an answer, they'll be more likely to spend time on your next question(s).
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2 Answers
Display Time only with AM/PM

Jen, You are almost there <xmod:Format Type="Date" Value='[[starttime]]' Pattern="hh:mm tt" /> what is the Data Type for [[starttime]], date, time, datetime? The reason I am asking is that I almost always use datetime, and just extract what I …

Author: Jen Sharp
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1 Answers
Control panel timezone

Hi, Dates & times of last updated & created are incorrect in my Xmod control panel. Site is hosted on Azure which I think servers are set to UTC. Site settings for the site have the same timezone & my login timezone is set to my location. Where does Xmod …

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How do I format the date so the time doesn't appear.

Using the Xmod module I created a database with several fields. One of the fields is a date field that the user inputs. When I place the date taken from the database and try to place it in a table it appears in the table like this: 8/9/2016 12:00:00 AM. …

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Trimming time format on edit form from table

I have an add form which is using regex to validate a time to 13:00. When I use my edit form it returns 13:00:00 which forces the user to change the format on edit. Is it possible to load just the format 13:00 in the edit form?

Author: Scott L
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Time not showing correctly

In my xmod pro form I am displaying the time somthing was submitted and right now the time is not show up correctly. I submitted something at 2:46pm and xmod showed it as 11:39am. Can you control the time in Xmod or is this a DNN issue.

Author: brent
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