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  1. Good Titles: Give your question a concise but informative title. Rather than "Email Forms", use "Sending multiple emails from forms".
  2. Do Your Research: Check out the XMod Pro help file, the XMod Pro Guide on this site, do a search in this Answers forum. Members are friendly and more than happy to help, but it's good etiquette to show you've done your homework.
  3. Is It Answerable? Your question should be practical and answerable. Provide clear and accurate details about your specific problem. Be sure to include all the pertinent information or links to images and examples. 
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1 Answers
Run JavaScript after Ajax template refreshes

Hi, I have a module with two interacting templates, the one on the left causes the one on the right to update using AJAX. I am able to run some JS when the module first loads using the jQueryReady tag, however I cannot find a way to run the JS after the …

Author: monotonic
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1 Answers
Is there a way to adjust time retrieved by xmod template to display in visitor's local time zone?

Hi all! Before I waste a lot of time going down this rabbit hole - would there be a way to modify the times pulled by Xmod from a table (Central Time) to display in the user's local time zone instead? I'm not sure whether this would be possible, since …

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3 Answers
Javascript - Called on Add Form, but not Edit

Hello.. Had a previous issue; Now that the Add form is working, copied over the code to the edit form only to find that when I click on the Update button, the JavaScript to check the …

Author: Jeff M.
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3 Answers
JavaScript Assistance - TypeOf

Hi Steve. Thank you for your suggestion. I got me on a path which can not determine if the string is a number or not; see the fiddle below. But the issue is that the if/else if/else isn't work properly now. No matter what I enter in the fields and drop …

Author: Jeff M.
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1 Answers
Dynamic Forms

Jeff, Why not just use the "ShowIf" property of the Panel tag? I use that method all of the time to show more of a form if a checkbox on the form is checked. I see no reason that would not work with a RadioButtonList tag. Here is how I use the …

Author: Jeff M.
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