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Announcing New XMod Pro Documentation Site

XMod Pro's documentation has been revamped to be easier to use and contribute to.

By: Kelly Ford On: 11/22/2018

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It's Thanksgiving Day here in the US but that doesn't mean we've been taking a holiday. I'm happy to announce the beta release of our new documentation for XMod Pro!

Check Out the New Documentation Site

The original documentation was created using a tool we chose, primarily to generate  Windows compiled help files (.chm). While it did what it needed to back in the day, it has become increasingly clumsy, cumbersome, prone-to-error, and did not allow us to present the mixture of text, tips and code that XMP's documentation requires.

The source for our documentation has moved from XML format to Markdown. This makes it much easier to write and edit because it uses plain text and minimal formatting. It allows us to take leverage Markdown's strengths to make the documentation easier to read. 

Better Code Presentation

We've been able to provide you with clear code blocks with syntax highlighting, line numbers, and highlighted lines to draw your attention to particular areas of the code. Inline code is also now clearly delineated and highlighted for you. 

New Callouts for Tips, Warnings, and Notes

Additionally, we're now able to provide you with Warnings, Tips within the documentation. 

Coming Soon...

This is our first pass at the new documenation. Coming soon, we're working to allow YOU to contribute to the documenation by noting and correcting errors as well as suggesting and adding new content.

Converting from XML to the new system was a monumental effort. There are a few known issues and probably a number of unkown issues. That's why we're calling it a beta release. If you notice any problems or have suggestions, please let us know.

Thanks for your continued support of XMod Pro. It really means a lot to all of us who work on the project.