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Activating Your XMod Pro License

Shows you the steps to take to quickly get your XMod Pro module activated and functional.

By: Melinda (DNNDev) On: 05/13/2013

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Localhost Implementation

Note: If you are installing XMod Pro on localhost, for development purposes, there is no need to activate. The module is fully functional for development purposes when run under localhost.

XMod Pro License Activation Process

DNN 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x: Select License and Activation - from the module Edit dropdown list

Select License and Activation from the module Edit dropdown list for DNN 7

DNN 6: Select License and Activation - from the "Manage Menu" (also known as the "Actions Menu" in DNN 5)

Select License and Activation from the module Edit dropdown list for DNN 6

  • This will bring up the License and Activation page :

DNN 7.x, 8.x, and 9 License and Activation Page:

DNN 7 License and Activation Page

DNN 6 License and Activation Page:

DNN 6 License and Activation Page

License Status and Activation Page

The following steps are the same for DNN 7, 6, and 5x:

Enter your Email Address in XMod Pro Account Field

  • In the Invoice Number textbox, enter the license invoice number associated with your purchase.

Enter the XMod Pro License Invoice Number in the Invoice Number Field

  • Click the Request Activation (Web Service) button:

Click on Request Activation button

This will then go to our servers and verify your activation. A message should be displayed underneath the request activation button that says something to the effect of "activation key checks out" along with some other data.

  • Click the Update button to save the activation information to your site. Click the Update button to save the XMod Pro activation information