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  1. Good Titles: Give your question a concise but informative title. Rather than "Email Forms", use "Sending multiple emails from forms".
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The 'Text' property of 'ListItem' does not allow child objects. Error

Trying a drop-down list on a form. Getting the above error. Any ideas? Code below.

Author: Jeff M.
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Drop Down List - Text Field and Data Value Field

Why not just use the [FolderID] as the value for your DDL? If this is your identity column, you have access to all the other fields on inserts and updates or any display of data for that matter. For example, if you have your main folder table, with …

Author: Jeff M.
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1 Answers
DateTime passed from Form Drop-Down list

Hello.. I have a drop down list for our online store orders. It lists the order number and it's order date in one line as the drop-down. It's value is sent to a template to display order since the selected order. As the data value, I have the full SQL …

Author: Jeff M.
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4 Answers
Getting proper entry inserted into DB

Using the following question ( as a guide, I want to get the DataTextField of the primary drop-down box (of cascading) to be entered into a table. What is being inserted is the DataValueField. How do I get …

Author: Jeff M.
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