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  1. Good Titles: Give your question a concise but informative title. Rather than "Email Forms", use "Sending multiple emails from forms".
  2. Do Your Research: Check out the XMod Pro help file, the XMod Pro Guide on this site, do a search in this Answers forum. Members are friendly and more than happy to help, but it's good etiquette to show you've done your homework.
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2 Answers
Execute SQL from a Button

Hi All, I'd like to be able to execute some SQL from a button click. In this case to re-order DB records based on the current data row and data set. Is there a way to do this from an xModPro DataView Control? Thanks

Author: Jax UK
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1 Answers
Multiple Functions in one Button?

I am returning the "ID" as part of a template list. Using a CommandButton I can successfully reload several templates on the same page. At the moment I have had to put the "user details" as a new template on the same page and call it within the command …

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1 Answers
Command button passing parameter to stored procedure

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get this working. I've got what I think is a straightforward command button template in one template, another template below that is supposed to receive the first …

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3 Answers
Using command button in a form

I know that the command button is supposed to give you the ability to run multiple commands on multiple templates. Is it possible to run multiple UPDATE and/or INSERT queries from a form by specifying as targets the IDs of SubmitCommands in the Command …

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Help me use a button to redirect to a different page

In a template I have defined a script block: <xmod:ScriptBlock BlockType="ClientScript" RegisterOnce="True" ScriptId="processmanualpayment"> <script type="text/javascript"> function OpenPaymentWindow(paymentid) { var …

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